(206) 578-1386 (206) 578-1386



Keep your outdoor space clean, functional, and well-maintained. Our team can schedule regular or one-time visits so you can have the look you desire. Maintenance services includes:

We provide all-inclusive lawn care services, so you don’t have to hire multiple companies for your landscape maintenance. Our customer LOVE how we care for their lawns and take advantage of regularly scheduled services to keep their home and business landscapes looking fresh and beautiful. We keep up to date with best arbor practices and have all the tools and professional know-how to keep your plants, shrubs, trees, and lawn looking their very best.

What Our
Customers Think

Gypsy Lovett

Red Rose Irrigation is terrific! I have the Rain Bird system and he had all the parts for it to do immediate repair and replacement on a 10 zone system. No time wasted going to a supply store to pick up materials, he jumped right in I reached out to David when I discovered a series of leaks in my again system that were beyond my ability to repair. David not only located and repaired the leaks, but noticed that there was quite a bit of overkill in my water system and organized the whole set up far better, reducing the water output and waste significantly - hopefully that will mean a reduction in the monthly water bill!

lady lyn r.

David has this unique creative eye that can transform an ordinary space into an extraordinary masterpiece. He is professional and highly skilled in his craft. The retaining wall was nothing short of perfect, well aligned and just meticulously done. He can work marvelously with any given materials!!!! Highly recommended to anybody looking to beautify their house!!!! Thank you so much David of Red Roses Landscaping!!! It was a pleasure meeting you!

Denny Lien

I recommend Red Roses Landscaping 1 as a recent customer installing a new walkway on the north side of our residence. David Mejia (Owner) was very courteous and professional, timely with the estimate, scheduling and the crew involved with demolition (removal of old walkway) setup and installation of Belgard Lafitt Grana Slab 3-piece in color: Victorian was outstanding! We are very pleased with the result and for anyone looking to improve their home exterior, this company offers an affordable, customized solution to fit every budget.

13303 Des Moines Memorial DR S
Burien, WA 98168

10 years experience - opened in 2015. Our service areas include Seattle, Bellevue, Everett, Sammamish, Issaquah, Kent, West Seattle, Des Moines, and surrounding areas.